Carbon Monoxide Sources
A Simple Inspection Guide

One of the major carbon monoxide sources is the automobile engine and any fuel burning small engine. Many appliances in the home that use natural gas, propane, oil or other similar fuels are also producers of high levels of CO. These levels can be greatly increased if an appliance is malfunctioning or if the proper venting procedure of the appliance is not followed.

What could be a carbon monoxide source in you home?

Please examine the chart to spot potential problems in your home...

carbon monoxide sources

As you do a careful inspection of your home's CO producing appliances:

Keep an eye out for these signs of carbon monoxide...

  • streaks of soot around the service doors of your fuel burning appliances
  • improper draft of a flue pipe or chimney
  • small amount of water leaking from the base of chimney or flue pipe
  • rust in any location could indicate improper combustion and high CO levels
  • fallen soot from the fireplace
  • moisture visible on the walls and windows

  • if the whole family suddenly becomes ill with flu like symptoms, assume high CO levels and get out of the house

If you are unable to perform the above inspection properly. Please hire a trained professional to inspect the possible carbon monoxide sources present in your home.

Ways to avoid Carbon monoxide poisoning...

  • Never heat your house with a gas cook top or oven or use a charcoal grill in the house or garage.
  • Never leave a car running in the garage even if the doors are open.
  • If you purchase a new home have a home inspection done to assure that no problems exist.

Don't become a statistic!
Remember carbon monoxide is a silent killer.

Why not purchase a CO alarm for your home? A problem can develop at anytime. For example, snow could cover a vent or flue pipe or a condition can develop during very cold weather when a flue actually can stop drawing the gases up and out the house. Many other accidents could also occur.

Read about my very close call with CO...

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